Contrary to popular perception it is not necessary for house prices to fall to create a serious problem for the economy at large. 与主流观点看法不同的人认为:房价下跌会为整体经济带来严重问题;但其实即使房价不下跌,整体经济也有可能出现严重的问题。
Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary: So popular with European tourists that prices in Krakow, Prague and Budapest have risen. 波兰、捷克共和国和匈牙利:欧洲游客趋之若鹜,使得克拉科夫、布拉格和布达佩斯的物价上扬。
Samsung became the most popular smartphone maker in the world by producing alternatives to the iPhone at attractive prices, and by outspending all of its rivals on marketing. 依靠推出价格具有吸引力的可以替代iPhone的手机,以及在营销上撒的钱超过任何一个竞争对手,三星成为了世界上销量最大的智能手机生产商。
The blame lies instead in popular ignorance of good eating habits, while high prices can put healthier foods beyond the reach of some families. 导致问题的真正原因,是人们缺乏好的饮食习惯,而健康食品高昂的价格可能让一些家庭承受不了。
The danger isn't just the threat of popular unrest, though: It's that soaring property prices make people feel less wealthy and less inclined to consume. 但危险并不仅仅是民众骚乱的威胁:快速上涨的房价让人们感觉财富减少,也就更不愿意消费。
And because agricultural development in these countries is similar to China, China-made farm machines are popular because the models are more suitable and the prices are competitive. 因为这些国家农业发展的情况同中国类似,因此,中国制造的农业机械就因其型号更加适用,价格又具有竞争性而在这些国家流行。
With an oil exporter such as Libya in the grips of a popular uprising, oil prices will rise to reflect much greater supply uncertainties. 首先,当像利比亚这样的石油出口国陷入民众起义的浪潮,将导致石油供给不确定性大为加强,从而推高油价。
For example, Capricorns like to eat in popular places with good prices. 比如说,他们喜欢选择在价格公道的大众餐厅用餐。
The Popular Fine Food Street, a world of delicacies, with family dishes at low prices. 美食评论家做什么?大众美食街,美食天地,家常菜谱,大众价格。
In the subsequent discussion, he suddenly turned around and struck, the most popular use of the "China to expand domestic demand theory" to support real estate prices is as it should be. 而在此后的讨论中,他突然反戈一击,运用了当今最流行的“中国扩大内需论”来支持房地产的价格上涨是理所应当的。
This restaurant offers meals at popular prices. 这家饭店供应价格大众化的饭菜。
Well maybe, but I think it would be better to play safe and buy an apartment in an area that's already popular and where property prices are likely to keep going up. 噢,也许,但我认为最好出手小心,买公寓就要买在一个已经抢手以及地产价格看来会继续上升的区域之中。
A popular school of thought holds that the expiry of the extraordinary stimulus programmes will see economic growth and asset prices flop lower once again. 时下流行的一种观点认为,特别刺激方案退出将导致经济增长和资产价格再次大幅下滑。
Casinos are becoming more popular and with most of them having low minimum bets and competitive drink prices it doesn't have to be a costly night out. 赌场正在变得越来越受欢迎。由于多数赌场允许最低赌注并供应价格低廉的饮料,因此,赌场之夜并不破费。
If the neighborhood is central and popular, such as Union Square, Soho, Greenwich village, and etc, the prices adjusted in single digit more than others such as Midtown West or Midtown East. 如果是邻里中心和流行,如联合广场,苏活区,格林威治村等,价格调整后一位数比别人多,如市中心城区东或西。
Popular throughout the country, products," first-class quality, quality service and reasonable prices "reputation paint industry. 畅销全国各地,产品以“一流的品质、优质的服务、合理的价格”称誉涂料行业。
It is very popular in real life to bargain when trade takes place, but it is very important for determination of spot prices relative to long term or short term prices. 在经济生活中,商品交易时的讨价还价是一个普通和常见的现象,但其对于相对长期价格和短期价格而言的即期价格的确定却发挥着重要作用。
It is widely recognized that the popular Black-Scholes model, which relates option prices to current stock prices and quantifies risk through a constant volatility parameter, is no longer sufficient to capture modern market phenomena. 在金融数学中,Black-Scholes关于期权定价的工作是众所周知的。Black-Scholes模型将期权价格与基础股票价格联系起来,常数波动率描述风险。
Neutron tube of generator neutron is the most popular neutron source technology, due to its low prices, miniaturization, it has become one of the popular neutron source among the application. 中子发生器中的中子管是目前中子源最热门的技术,因其具有小型化、价格低、易普及等特点,而成为中子源中应用最广泛的一种。